Comments from Cantor Anna

Life is a journey, in fact, I would say it is multiple journeys. In order to know what you truly want you need to fully realize it and sometimes learn from your mistakes…I know it is all new to you. It is very overwhelming just to begin thinking about the move. This sanctuary is part of us, and always will be. For me personally, this sanctuary is the place where three of my four children become B’nai Mitzvah, it is the place where I came to pray when my father passed away in Israel. I am sure that for each of you here this very sanctuary has a big part of your memories and yours and your family life cycle events. However, when I think about this sanctuary, I realize I do it not because of this beautiful sanctuary, but because of the people who come here, all of you, because of our amazing team – our Rabbi, Shana, Valentina, President, and of course, the most important, that feeling of the community which cannot be replaced by anything else. It is a family, the extended family, and I know you feel it too. But after all, this is just a building. People are what really matters. I know that we are unique and our community is one of a kind. Personally, the more I think about our future, the more excited I get. We are following the original idea of keeping our Rockland county Jewish community alive, while preserving our identity as TBS where relationships not just matter, but are a crucial part of who we are. Personally, I think it is the right direction to go to the JCC as this, to me, will allow us to combine our religious observances with a cultural Judaism and make the bold and brave move toward the future for our families, to keep our Judaism alive and relevant, while not isolated from the very lives we live every day. We can spread our wings and get a second wind by pioneering this bold move and showing the way to other temples in the county to join us in the future. We ask you to be on board with us and trust each other while we are coming on our next journey together.

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